Handouts 2014
State-of-the-Art-Lecture: Current management of blunt solid abdominal organ injury
Prof. Dr. Andrew B. Peitzman, Pittsburgh, USA- Femur shaft fracture in the multiply injured patient: Timing and technique of fixation (5 MB)Prof. Dr. H.C. Pape, Aachen, Germany
- Acute compartment syndrome: Diagnostic pathway and how to salvage arm, hand, leg or foot! (7 MB)Prof. Dr. A. Platz, Zürich, PD Dr. L. M. Benneker, Bern, Dr. E. Benninger, St. Gallen
- Endocrine response after trauma – the surgeons‘, endocrinologists‘ and intensivists‘ perspective (6 MB)Prof. Dr. M. Keel, Bern, Prof. Dr. M. Maggiorini, Zürich, Dr. P. Kirchner, Bern
- Setting up a trauma registry at your hospital: requirements, expenses, benefits (3 MB)Dr. R. Hasler, Zürich, Dr. N. Bless, Basel
- Surgical control of severe hepatic trauma: Patients selection and how I do it! (12 MB)Prof. Dr. A. B. Peitzman, Pittsburgh, USA, Prof. Dr. D. Candinas, Bern, PD Dr. B. Schnüriger, Bern
- Coagulopathy after traumatic brain injury – Incidence, time course, and therapeutic options (2 MB)Dr. T. Lustenberger, Frankfurt, Germany
- Diffuse axonal brain injury: The dos and don‘ts to improve patients’ outcome (3 MB)PD Dr. M. Hänggi, Bern
- Coordinated medical services in disaster management in Switzerland (6 MB)Divisionär Dr. A. Stettbacher
- From the ‘Pizzo della Croce’ to the Highway ‘A2’ – Lessions learned from preclinical trauma care in the Ticino region (4 MB)Dr. B. Savary-Borioli, Lugano
- Targeting the most suitable trauma center for my severely injured patient: Is it time for guidelines? (6 MB)Dr. M. Lehmann, REGA
- Mountain Rescue – Swiss Rescue Skills brought to the Himalayas (4 MB)G. Biner, Zermatt, Dr. M. Brodmann Mäder, Bern, B. Jelk, Zermatt