- Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC-SSC): Both days 13 CME-Credits (7 + 6 CME-Credits)
- Swiss Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (SGAR-SSAR): 16 CME-Credits (8 + 8 CME-Credits)
- Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine (SGNOR-SSMUS): Both days 12 CME-Credits (8 + 4 CME-Credits)
- Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SGOT-SSOT): Both days 16 CME-Credits (10 + 6 CME-Credits)
Spoken and written congress language: English
Registration fee: Single day CHF 80.-; both days CHF 150.-
SwissACS members will have free access to day 2 and a reduced fee for the "Eat, meet and greet!" event.