5th Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to the 5th STRD 2016!
In our part of the world, blunt mechanism of injury accounts for almost 90% of trauma cases. Compression and deceleration forces to the body causes contusions, abrasions, lacerations and bone fractures. These patients require an efficient work-up. The extent of injuries is often not clear and a high index of suspicion is required from the trauma team. Therefore, the focus of the 5th Annual STRD is on blunt mechanism of injury.
The Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day has gained popularity. During the past meetings many of you have taken the opportunity to meet and share their experience when taking care of trauma patients. We would like to welcome you to the 5th Annual STRD and looking forward meeting with you again in 2016!
Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day 2016
- Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC-SSC): 7 Credits
- Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SGOT-SSOT): 8 Credits
- Swiss Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (SGAR-SSAR): 6.5 Credits
- Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine (SGNOR-SSMUS): 8 Credits
- Swiss Society of Intensive Care (SGI-SSMI): 6 Credits
Spoken and written congress language: English