Damage Control Resuscitation: Prevention of the Lethal Triad of Death PD Dr. L. Theiler, Bern, PD Dr. P. Schoettker, Lausanne
Room 1
Basics of Patient Triage in Mass Casualty Incidents Prof. Dr. K. Peleg Tel-Aviv, Israel, Prof. Dr. A. Exadaktylos, Bern, Dr. Stephan Ziegenhorn
Rooms 2 and 3
Advanced E-FAST: Hands on for everybody! Dr. B. Lehmann, Bern, and others
Room 4
Trauma Research: Tips for Writing a Successful Manuscript PD Dr. T. Lustenberger, Frankfurt, Dr. T. Haltmeier, Bern
Workshop 2 (11:20 - 12:00h)
Ettore Rossi Lecture Hall
Penetrating Injuries to Extremities: Meet the ExpertsS. Maqungo, Cape Town, South Africa, Prof. Marius Keel, Bern, Dr. V. Makalovski, Bern [Handout]
Room 1
Basics of Patient Triage in Mass Casualty Incidents Prof. Dr. K. Peleg Tel-Aviv, Israel, Prof. Dr. A. Exadaktylos, Bern, Dr. Stephan Ziegenhorn
Rooms 2 and 3
Advanced E-FAST: Hands-on for everybody! Dr. B. Lehmann, Bern, and others
Room 4
News from the Swiss Trauma Registry – Where are we today? Dr. N. Bless, Basel, Dr. K. Sprengel, Zürich [Handout]
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