It is our pleasure to announce Dr. med. Lukas Widmer, Cantonal Hospital of Fribourg, as the winner of the SwissACS-sponsored participation in the Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET) course 2024. Dr. Widmer was randomly selected as a participant. He will participate as a SwissACS member in this important course for Acute Care Surgeons at the Kantonsspital Luzern.
SwissACS Research Price Award 2024
Congratulations to Marcel Quante for the SwissACS Research Price 2024 of CHF 1000.-!
Prize jury: Prof. Dr. Demetrios Demetriades, Los Angeles, USA; Prof. Dr. Peep Talving, Tallin, Estonia, Prof. Dr. Kenji Inaba, Los Angeles, USA; Prof. Dr. Carmen Pfortmüller, Bern, Switzerland; PD Dr. Tobias Zingg, Lausanne, Switzerland
The research price has been awarded for Lessons learned from ten years of M&M at a Swiss Level I Trauma Center.
Acute Care Surgery (ACS) covers two essential components – trauma and non-trauma emergency surgery. In ACS, the close interdisciplinary collaboration of emergency surgeons, critical care specialist, anaesthesiologists, and ED physicians is of paramount importance. In an effort to strengthen the care of patients with acute surgical disease in Switzerland, a new Society called SwissACS has been established in 2017.
Among the founding members there are surgeons, anesthesiologists, emergency physicians and intensivists. All of you that are interested in the care of acutely injured or surgically ill patients are very welcome to actively participate in SwissACS. If you are considering to become a member of this new interdisciplinary working group or in case you need more information, simply contact us here.
Upcoming events with ACS-relevant topics
December 09-13, 2024
Fachdienstkurs Militär und Katastrophenmedizin (FDK MKM)
Thun, Switzerland
March 13-14, 2025
14th Swiss Trauma & Acute Care Surgery Days
Bern, Switzerland
Emergency Surgery Course
January 17-18, 2025, CHUV, LausanneREGISTER NOW for the 1st Swiss edition of the Emergency Surgery Course (17-18.01.2025, CHUV, Lausanne).
The Emergency Surgery Course® is a joint initiative of the European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ESTES) and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST). ESC® aims to aid surgeons in non-trauma emergency surgery by providing the know-how and the decision-making skills necessary for daily practice. The course consists of theoretical sessions, case scenarios and state of the art videos. The course is specially designed in an interactive format from the beginning till the end.
The Course will be limited to 30 participants. More info and registration:
More information can be found via this link:
Coup d'oeil
Emergency abdominal surgery - Tension pneumopelvis due to rectal perforation
Published October 15, 2019. Authors: Andreas Kohler, MD, Antje Lechleiter, MD
75-years old female patient, presenting with fever and acute lower abdominal pain. The CT scan showed extensive air in retroperitoneal zone III resulting in a collapsed rectum and bilateral urethral obstruction with hydronephrosis. Attempted conservative treatment with endoscopic closure of the rectal perforation, retroperitoneal drainage and antibiotics failed. Subsequently, a Hartmann’s procedure was performed.
Polytrauma - Widened mediastinum
Published: October 25, 2017. Authors: Beat Schnüriger, MD, Tobias Haltmeier, MD
Polytraumatized patient with widened mediastinum on chest X-ray. CT-scan shows sternal and thoracic spine fracture with large hematoma, which is a possible differential diagnosis for a widened mediastinum on chest X-ray.