General Terms and Conditions (Allg. Geschäftsbedingungen)
The Swiss Trauma & Acute Care Surgery (STACS) days are an annual event organized by the Swiss Society of Acute Care Surgery in collaboration with the University Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine and the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. The Inselspital is a member of the Insel Gruppe AG.
The STACS days take place each year in early March at the Inselspital Bern. Information of the Course are available on
During the registration period participants can register themselves by filling in the online registration form. A registration is a declaration to participate in the next STACS days. Participants who register themselves will receive an email confirming the registration.
Participants can cancel their registration either by sending an email in reply to the invitation email. Even after paying the fee the participants can still cancel their ragistration by sending an email to the Due to organisational constraints the organizer of the STACS days can only refund the cancellation of participation up to one month before the meeting takes place.